Catapult Launches Vector T7 to Set New Standards for Basketball Athlete Monitoring
As coaches, fans and players of the game, we know how crucial it is to access accurate and detailed data to make strategic decisions and improve performance on the court. With the latest advancements in athlete monitoring, coaches, teams, and analysts have access to a wealth of information to help them understand the game in new and exciting ways.
Here at Catapult, we are changing the way the world thinks about the sport and, today, we are proud to announce our latest basketball-specific solution, the Vector T7.
→ Click here to inquire about T7, the latest basketball-specific solution.

Vector T7 Feature Set
Vector T7 builds upon Catapult’s more than 20 years of experience in basketball athlete monitoring technology, analytics, and data.
This cutting-edge solution will revolutionize the way coaches and teams evaluate player performance and make strategic decisions to improve the outcome of the game.
Vector T7 Feature Set:
- 73% smaller than its predecessor allowing for a waist mount and more flexibility to help improve athlete compliance.
- New basketball-specific analytics to help coaches get a detailed picture of the demands being placed on athletes.
- Optimized tracking that offers best-in-class athlete monitoring accuracy.
- Improved portability with 50% smaller carry dock that includes a self-contained tray, ignition mode, and onboard battery for portable charging.
→ Arrange a free demo of the Vector T7 feature set.
Tried and Tested T7
Throughout the testing and development of Vector T7, Catapult worked with a number of NBA and NCAA teams, including Duke University Men’s Basketball.
“The T7 is great, it is now a lot smaller and the athletes don’t even realize they’re wearing it … couple this with the much more ergonomic carry dock, with everything being smaller it is easier to carry around,” said Nick Potter, Duke Basketball’s Director of High Performance and Sports Science.
“Now, we can also charge up the devices in the dock, and there are a lot of little functions that just make life a lot easier and more efficient.

Potter, who has relied on Catapult data for many years, continued:
“For us, we have gotten into a routine around our use of data. Here we’re using the same infrastructure across different people at various levels … It’s been especially helpful since we’ve been able to keep doing our work in the same way but communicating our insights to suit this new coach.”
→ Click here to listen to more of Nick Potter’s thoughts on Vector T7.
Vector T7 In-Depth: Webinar with Duke Basketball
To help you gain a deeper understanding of Vector T7 and how it can help your team to improve performance, join our latest webinar: ‘T7 – Setting New Standards for Basketball Athlete Monitoring’ featuring Duke Univ. Men’s Basketball.
→ Sign up for our upcoming T7 & Duke Basketball webinar.

In the webinar, Catapult’s Senior Product Manager, Justin Pinkos, is joined by Duke Basketball’s Nick Potter.
Together, they walk you through the new standard for athlete monitoring for basketball – Vector T7: Smaller device size, More accurate performance tracking, New Basketball-specific insights, and much more.
By watching the webinar you will learn more about:
- Options for players to wear the smallest device ever.
- Get a detailed picture of the demands being placed on your players with our new basketball-specific analytics.
- Develop better insights into how your players perform on the court with live applications and live tracking.
- Improve your efficiencies and workflows with faster uploads and easier accessibility.
→ Sign up for our upcoming T7 & Duke Basketball webinar.
New Basketball-Specific Analytics
The T7 delivers the most accurate and comprehensive player data in indoor environments, including the company’s proprietary “Movement Profile” categories.
Now, coaching and training staff can get an even more granular picture of the demands being placed on their players with specific analytics that report the unique and critical movements of basketball.

Basketball Movement Profile, which quantifies and categorizes every type of basketball movement on the court, helps coaches make better decisions for their athletes and identify the causes of performance strain with more accuracy.
It uses the inertial sensors inside the Vector T7 devices to provide absolute and relative time spent in five movement categories:
- Dynamic – Turning and change of direction movements
- Running – Steady jogging/running movements
- Active – Walking movements
- Settled – Standing
- Jumping – Jumping movements
→ To learn more about Basketball Movement Profile, click here.
White Paper: Validation of Vector T7
In the Vector T7 White Paper, featured on Catapult’s blog, the T7 emerges as a cutting-edge solution for indoor athlete tracking. It operates on a novel Time Difference of Arrival protocol for better power efficiency and precise positional data.
The paper also covers the device’s validation process, using the Vicon system as a benchmark, to confirm its accuracy in sports performance analysis. Read the complete Vector T7 White Paper.